5 Ways How to be a good marketer Marketing 101 l Ep19 - Maryam Fuad


Hello everyone, welcome or welcome back to the podcast. So if you do not know me or do not know the podcast, we talk about business marketing, entrepreneurship,

our journey with these business Type e thing and our today's topic and episode is going to be five ways how to be a good marketer. It takes six years.

Some people, it takes decades. I'm not trying toscare you here but it really takes a long time to be a good marketer that you can set some strategies some barriers or Milestones.

I would say for you to be a good marketer and our first one is going to be having good roots. It's not the first one, but this is like having a good route in your tree.

So, our tree is our business. The roots are the marketing. Yeah. Like 90 point. Nine percent is the marketing and the 1% is the product. So, if we want to grow the tree,

we would like to have a good marketing and agood product. So, when we have a Product, let's say that when we have a good product, then go to marketing,

if you have good marketing, you can sell anything. It's not easy, it's not simple. It's not something you can do overnight. So it takes hard work.

So when you want to make a beautiful Tall Tree, you want to have the roots and The Roots is the first one. It's going to be customers research when we do customer research,

we are in the game. We know what our customers want, we know the pains the question that they asked, what can we help? Defining their place, where they live,

which contributes state, which place in the world when we Define that to a detail when we know our customers? When we No, their pains, that is gold. That's like the first branch.

and the first boot when we know that you are going in agood way. So our second one is it going to be competitor research. I do not want us business owners to focus on our competitors too much

but not too little so like right in the middle like in The Sweet Spot. So when we do our competitor research, we look at their price at their customers at their marketing campaigns.

Maybe I will say during their marketing like their email list, join their place and when you do that, just read everything, which there are missing,

then everything that you can add to the things that they are doing good at. So basically do a competitor. Research, customer research and competitive research. They are the two perfect combine.

Third one is going to be. Okay, this is going to be a long one market message media match. Let's the first one, I like to call it in short, mmm, four times.

So that's like the short way. But the tollway is Market message media match. When we do Do market research, when we do customer research, when we do competitor research, when we do a lot of research,

basically, to shorten that up is a market. When we know our Market, we are set. The first route is set, so the second root we need. The second root is our message.

The message that we are going to be sending our competitors. Our customers our investors those Are that we'll be sending to them or the important that will take that message

some competitors, some entrepreneurs, and some customers, and will look at the way that we do, our competitor research. That was someone else which going to be doing research on us.

So we need to set the message straight got it. So and then media media is like the fun part. Sort of like all of those because you can do and explore many things

you could spoil your content from your email, marketing, from everything. So like media is like the fun part which you can explore, you can share your products,

your information, whatever that you are doing, and then we do a checkup. So I check up is going to be the match. The match is going tobe a Up from the market message in the media. It just checking on all of those.

If they all match, that's a great sign. If some of them is off, we need to re-check. And when all of that is done, we can go to number for Lifetime, customers value, that's number four.

And when I mean their value, okay, this is quite simple, The Vow. Value of your customers and a say a decade or half adecade.

When we know how much an estimate, how much they going to be a bringing us. We know how much we are going to be spending on them like ads, like, packaging,

marketing marketing campaigns. And we went, whenwe know that they are worth this specific amount or an Stupid of the amount we can spend as little

because we do not want to lose money, okay? We definitely draw. I think that's it because that's like the most simplest thing that Ican just like, say it to you. Lifetime customer value.

And that's number four. Number five. And this is my favorite one is going to be price. Pricing pricing your product pricing your course, but let's just focus on course and product.

So what I have an oil, right next to me and it is from my company seba shop, you can check it in the description. I have this All right next to me.

So let's use that as an example. So, this oil cost me to make like two dollars like five dollars and that space. So, if I go to my competitors,

I see their products. So when we were doing our competitor research, we definitely see the price and we definitely compare it. Like, that's like,

I'm not think thinking so really we do not really think about it but when I compare it to my come like competitors, mine is more. Pricier will say that it is more pricier because I am not following

the trend of their, the competitors. I'm not following them, I am following my own price strategy and that strategy is Making it feel like a luxury.

So feel making it feel like aluxury. It is quite hard from the packaging way from the ordering from the website or like in real life if someone still doing that. So when we

make it feel like a high experience, I will say they will admit it think in their mind that That that is expensive.

Like, it's not always about the product is the way that the product is received, it could be from the marketing campaign from your ads, from the packaging. And from the way that the message

is received in the other end, so that's why I actually meant a number four. Wait, number three is going to be message. So, message, quite important,

the way that the customers receive and if you want to check out on my company, it is in the description. You can take an example and I would love for you to give me your thoughts on the company and the ways

that I could improve and help you guys and to the people, which are listening to this and help me. I guess so, please don't forget, like to give me your thoughts.

Give me your ways, which I can improve. I love improving. I love reading the way that you guys give me your thinking and reviews.

So that is our episode and do not forget like my company is in the description, it is always there. So that's episode. 19 of learn business with me. Learn with me, I'm your host Maryam and see you in the next episode.



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