5 digital marketing mistakes company do + 1 bonus - Ep38 - Maryam Fuad - Learn With Me


Hello everyone. Welcome to episode 38 of learn with me today, topic is digital marketing mistakes companies. Do number one is not having a block. If you have listened to my other two episodes before.

This one comes out, it was about blogs and the ways that you can get traffic there are many ways you can get traffic and it will help your company.

So not having a Blog, you're missing a lot of audiences. A lot of people, if you are selling something, maybe a lot of sales, but number two is going to be not having a mobile-friendly website or a user base.

So if you have a website and let's say it's not mobile-friendly, mobile, friendly user, a Lot of people would miss out on your business and they will go to your competitors.

So going to number 3 is ignoring your competitor. Like, you know, your competitor but you really don't keep updated with them. I'm not telling you to be obsessed with them,

but keeping a check with your competitors because they can do something, which can put you down, on the ranks, on Google, whatever type of site you are ringing.

On or getting your traffic from if you ignore them there's alot of things wrong could happen so that is number three do not ignore your competitors.

Number four is making a broad audience, like targeting a broad audience is a wrong mistake. Like you are setting your company for failure. If you're actually just targeting people like Broad because you don't have Anyone to focus on.

And if you have too many options, you do not pick any options that there's aquote on that. I do not know which person is, but that is my favorite. So, don't Target really broadly.

That is number four. Number five, not using keyword research. Keyword research could be for your product for your new blog, you don't have a Blog and not just using keywords, It is a wrong mistake for any type of business. It could be

for your YouTube channel for your company for your service. There are a lot of types of mistakes that you can do with keywords. Research. Number six is the bonus.

One number six is ignoring social media or avoiding social media. I done this mistake myself so I can totally read it and relate because I don't really post on social media.

So I try to avoid social media. I don't really care that much for my business because I Target my audience, quite locally, social media, does not help but avoid social media.

We are losing on many things and I should say that to myself. So, As I'm updating my business and renewing my business, I will use this thing for myself.

thank you for Reading episode38 of learn with me. And I'm going to be seeing the next Friday.

short summary

5 digital marketing mistakes company do + 1 bonus - Ep38 - Maryam Fuad

#1. Not Having a Blog.

#2. Forgetting About Mobile Users.

#3. Ignoring the Competition.

#4. Targeting a Broad Audience.

#5. not using Keyword Research.

#6. Avoiding Social Media.

5 digital marketing mistakes company do + 1 bonus - Ep38 - Maryam Fuad

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