The 5 roles of E-marketing - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad - Eps41


Hello everyone. Welcome to episode 41 of learn business with me. Today we are talking about the five boroughs of e-marketing as in the last episode. I promise you that we're going to be talking about this topic again,

number one is selling, you could be selling a dream. You could be selling a product, or a service.

You could be selling anything, but you need marketing. And that's really what marketing will be standing for.

If I What's marketing? Most likely I will think of selling something, it's gonna be a dream, a service, a product, whatever you want to sell.

Number two serves serve is pretty Expendable. Serve a Community, Serve your people for you to get something like when you sell a product, most likely,

you wouldn't need to provide something for them to buy from you. Hopefully, that's not confusing here in my brain. Sounds really confusing.

number three is a roadmap or a strategy and roadmap or strategy is what Willie going to make your business,

your e-marketing released and because if you don't have, you will get lost, you will lose your tracks.

It's like, you being in a huge place and you do not know where you want to go. So that's number three.

Number four is to make a brand name. This is like my Great. 

Since this is what mostly I'm working on. And my business with the Saba Shop is in the description by the way. But like if I say a business that color is red, most likely you will think of Coca-Cola.

If say business in the US, which is green, most lucky we'll think of Starbucks and that is a brand-name recognition. So that is what really marketing helps you with.

And when you are finished serving to sell and already put your marketing strategy.

Number five is new traffic. New traffic is pretty Expendable here, but we will need more customers,

more people to see, listen, learn, and sell our products to so new traffic. If you're already like, already dominating in one platform, most likely you

Need to start another platform to get more people in your funnel or in your business, ice or like, brand-name recognition.

So this is episode 41 of learn with me. I'm your host Maryam and I'm going to be seeing you in episode 42.

short summary

the 5 roles of E-marketing

#1. Sell

#2. Serve

#3. marketing strategies

#4. make a brand name

#5. new traffic

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