5 Ways to build a StoryBrand - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad - Ep56



#1. Keep It Simple.

#2.Be Human real-life stories.

#3. Find Your Audience.

#4. Have a Clear Vision.

#5.brand's mission or purpose.

the brand's values

Hello everyone. Welcome to episode 56 of learn business with me. Our topic today is three brands so this is like the five ways when we are like wanting to write a storied brand or we're building a business. These are the five things that I will do. That will help me do my story branding. So I would never want to keep it simple. We don't want a dramatic story or are like anon relaxer score-like story. We want to relate to our customers so really. Late to our audience.

Number two is like being human like a real story. Like how did your company start or why are you doing this brand? Like, be human because when you actually like wanting to promote your business, you tell your customers I came from this and I went to this like I can help you with this because I feel your pain. It's like that's how you really say it. You want to be human and connect with your customers because if you don't connect with your customers, You're Nobody.

They'll always will be a business or someone else who can do it better than you. And like way more connecting with their audience because when I like, in this view episodes like last few episodes, I'm like talking about like your customers your audience because that's who like you will. Like they will make you grow that. That's like why you will be successful with your blog anything like you do with the marketing, or like why you are doing your story? Brand. Number three is fine. Your audience. So I told You to be real like a number to be real.

number three is from your audience. Like, you know, what their age is, you know, where they're from. Like you have an ideal person in your head or you write them down and we knew you would like when you know, all of this like number two or like number one will like to connect together because you're being real and they feel like your pain or like your bit your business values or purpose. Number four is clear. Vision.

let's say you already keep it simple. Your stories like a human is like a real story and number three is like you already know who is your audience like who is the perfect person for your product or your blog or anything? number four is like having a Clear Vision of how are you going to be creating your story? How are you going to be telling someone else?  be clear your vision should be clear, not like oh I did this and then you take your back so it's like be clear. R that's really clear

for everybody. Who is listening and number five, a brand Mission and purpose? like in your closet, let's say about Instagram likes. Instagram stories like what is a cute purpose? Is it like helping your customers to be healthy like my business? Like helping them with your, they're driving and like anything in between like for them to stay healthy and not do anything like worse.  that's like the brand Vision, sort of that was like the past in 2020 now is like, it's changed like

everything is like changing.  what is your brand-new vision? What is the purpose of your brand? And that is episode 56 of learn business with me. I'm going to be seeing episode 57 with another episode.

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