5 best customization email sites to get Clients onboarding

#1. Mailchimp 

A Popular Email Marketing Platform with Extensive Customization Options

#2. HubSpot 

Comprehensive Marketing Platform with Advanced Email Customization Options

#3. Sendinblue

 All-in-One Marketing Platform with Customizable Templates and Advanced Features

#4. Campaign Monitor

Customize Your Email Campaigns with Ease

#5. Constant Contact

Easy-to-Use Platform with Customizable Templates and Advanced Features

These are just a few examples and many other email marketing platforms offer customization options. 

Choosing a platform that meets your needs and goals is essential.


Organizing your email and how to get your clients on board with these organizing and making them personal emails. These are the five things that I'm looking for. In my blog start, the number one is Mailchimp, which is the most popular platform for email marketing.

They experience. And the whole feel of the nail shape is easy to use. Simple to know if it's not for everybody who is different in their experience. You can find tutorials, there are many tutorials from other creators.

There are courses, to HubSpot hotspot. They have many things that they do, but let's focus on their email marketing. There are options like organizing drop in and there is like SMS, 

many other types of marketing. Hop spot is like an education and also a platform where you can learn like email marketing and digital marketing and I love their platform for organizing and Thing in like templates.

They have many templates which are different. It depends on what Market you are in. And number three is Sendinblue It's all in all one marketing platform, which is like, SMS digital marketing, just like, cause pop, 

but they are just focusing more on the platform, not the education side, either, and they have many templates. I saw with CNBLUE, they have more templates than most others. And sometimes it's a little bit.

Confusing is abit imbalance, and they have Advanced features. Then the other platform number 4 is a campaign, monitor campaign monitor is an easy use platform. If you are just starting out, you can use it. And also, if you're a bit Advanced, 

it has some Advanced tools and features that you can use like both number five and number, number 4. And number 5 is easy to use simple and they have many templates.

 And if you are trying to complete it with ease. Both of these will work. And thank you for listening to episode 65 of learn business with me and for some updates about the course. 

It is coming, pretty soon and if you have any suggestions make sure you put them in the comments below on YouTube or go to the voting option in the blog, Spotify, and comment there. And I'm going to be seeing you in the next episode.

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