How to Attract Customers to Buy Your Product: - Ep6- The 5 Steps to Success - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad



Tip number one is going to be perfecting your ideal customers. They are important in your business, they will make all of your sales, 

if you know who are they their age, what they believe in, what type of content they consume, and what platform are they in that it is very important in your business,

we need to know the customer. Most of your research will be on your customers, they are the most important customers are important.

Hello, everyone, I hope you enjoyed the little snippet in the beginning. Today's topic is attracting new customers to your business. And growing your business. 

We'll be having three more tips for you to start growing. Your audience, your customers, and your business discovering 

where are they strictly on social media? Who are they following? Like celebrities, and friends, are they mostly private, it just knowing your customers, as we have discussed in the first clip in the beginning. 

number three is knowing your business inside and out what is going outside of the bubble of your inside business? Inside this is like secret things that the Internet doesn't have to know other people then...

the important people like you as the owner has to know outside knowing how's your competitors going? Seeing the rails post, you don't have to be like on your feet every time they post.

But sometimes we need to check up on what our computers are doing. Sometimes it is pretty fun. Sometimes it is kind of weird, like weird spying on them, except they're not doing anything. Anyways, I just going on a ramble here. Okay.

And our fourth one is making yourself the answer. Because our business wants to solve a solution. You see why I didn't say you need to solve a solution. 

As more business types, like drop shipping, or most E-commerce. It doesn't have you to solve a problem. But if you are solving a problem for your future customers, you need to put your business as the answer. 

It can be in different ways. But soon I'll make a video on that. Anyways, I have a couple of questions. For the first one as you already did your research, I will assume that let's use my company.

 My company is a food company. Okay. target customers are people that are mostly on Facebook. Thus who are my people? I will not be sharing much. But you can figure out the age where are they located? 

Most of them where are they located? And more as this is going to be in another podcast in another episode. Okay. And thank you for Reading. I'll see you next Friday.

 Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad 

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