5 Rules For Affiliate Marketing Success - Ep10 - Maryam Fuad


Five rules for successful affiliate marketing. And starting with the first one is to be laser-focused. When you are focused on one specific thing, not talking about a niche, I am taking a 

specific laser-focused product in a niche. That product, make it like it is your own. Because 

people know when you are just wanting it for the money and that's not good for a long-term strategy. 

 And if you are going for a fast easy way to make money, I will tell you right now, it may work. You 

can make Facebook ads, ads in different platforms, but it will work in short term. And most likely 

the business that you're building with your affiliate will be ruined. And also when you are 

being laser-focused, you are not only promoting the thing they are selling, you are promoting 

the other company that you are having a partnership with.  

So be laser-focused. Don't be selling different five products when you start making different 

five funnels. And going to number two be passionate about your niche or product. Because if 

you are not passionate after a few months, even weeks, you will get tired of the thing and then 

you will just quit. 

But if you are passionate about the thing that you are doing, most of the time you will be excited 

because there's like a vision and passion for doing that thing. So be passionate about your 

product or your niche. Just don't go for the money, it's not worth it. It may be worth it for a short 

while, but I feel marketing is like a long-term plan, and also it can be like a passive income. 

We can talk about that for 4 hours. But just be passionate. And when you are being passionate, 

you will get bored a little bit, but most likely you are not going to be quitting. So number three 

is about your product and your promotion selection. Carefully research your product, your 

promotion thing. 


When you do research, it will show even if you're not showing up first or anything, it would show 

when you are promoting that thing. So do careful research. Select an amazing product or amazing 

thing that you're going to be promoting with affiliate marketing and promote it well.  

Go into number four. Put your customers above your own needs.  Put your customers before your 

personal opinion because our customer subscribers, and audience, are the important person 

in the game.  Like our opinion really doesn't matter because we only came here to solve a problem 

and go home.  

You can do sales marketing at home. Well, you are doing it at home, but do the thing and leave. 

That's the entire thing. So you need to satisfy your subscribers, your customers, and your 

audience and put them above anything or your needs. Okay? It is very hard. We got to do it right, 

business orders.  

We gotta like pull our customers before us because they going to be buying the product. Okay, 

let's go to number five learn, improve, move on, easy, learn, improve, move on. I think you just 

need to memorize that nothing will be easy. So learn the skills, the things, learn about the 

niche, okay? And then improve.  

I want you to improve. If you don't learn, you'll be left behind. If you don't improve, you'll 

be left behind. let me tell you my story. So six months ago, I wasn't learning as much as I should 

have learned and improved, right? And people were leaving me behind in my market. And so I had 

to catch up and do more research. So you need to learn, improve, and move on. 

So I learned and I improved on the thing that I learned with it and then I moved on to the next step. 

And that is number five. Learn, improve. Anyways, today's topic is about affiliate marketing 

being successful about affiliate marketing in 2020. So thank you for Reading and I will see you the next Friday.  


1. be laser-focused.

2. be passionate about your Niche or the product.

3. carefully research and select the product u are going to promote.

4. make sure to put your customer's subscribers and your audience first before anything or needs.

5. learning and improving.



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