How to Build Personal Brand from zero to infinity - Maryam Fuad - Ep11


This is episode 11 of learning with me podcast dedicated to helping you build your business in the online world.

Brand from scratch because most people are going to say and used to say, building a brand is for high-end people that are in sports that are celebrities, 

Building a brand for yourself is knowing and making connections with your audience by logging in, blogging, making podcasts, and different ways of content.

When you want to build authority, first of all, you need to join groups, your customers, where are your customers, you need to join that network, and talk to them a lot.

Ask questions, and which format of content they consume, like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Tok. And there are a lot more places.

Go we'll find where are your customers, and which type of format they are consuming, and then try to connect with them and connect where they are going. 

Mostly business most likely will be and your customer is going to be a LinkedIn. If you are looking for a much younger audience, there will be like tik-tok , hopefully, like Instagram,

Depends on your market, and then find what your market is. And then go with the customers. Your market. When you find your customers, 

Those customers should be filling the roles of spies, or watching or reading or listening to whatever you are saying or doing. So even like knowing your customers, 

Whatever you're doing, first know what you're going to do, then find those audiences. And most, most people will say this is the hardest part. 

Like to find the audience. There's like different ways for you to find an audience specifically when you are passionate about the thing that you're doing, 

Need to ask a few questions that may be a little bit easy or uncomfortable, but you will know about it and make leadership for you. 

For those markets, for your customers, you need to put your position as the leader. So whatever your topic is, make that a key and make people trust you. 

It is not easy. It's not something that is easy. That is easy. It takes years for people to trust you. And first people to trust you are giving free content. 

Sure your customers' audience, and your people know you for you before you start monetizing or doing anything else. 

First, you need a website or website for you to catch those customers. And when you have a website form, there are different platforms.

Forms of places to make the website and choose one that has an email marketing choice, as you will be catching more of your people with emails.

You can contact them back with your websites and emails, and make sure they are on top of everything that you're doing. 

Also, you being on top of everything, what the niche is saying and make out like I said make sure a lot of times but a chair solve as the solution, 

The leader and find three ways for you to be the solution. Like what do you do, what makes you unique from the others? 

Lot of markets that people are in what makes you different from all of those. So as three questions what makes you unique So what is your topic is going to be about?

Thinking about those questions, I'm thinking like, third one important one, because I have a lot on my mind.

But most likely it will play long term, as your customers want people that they can see grow and long. 

They don't really want to see that growing shortly and then dying down, they want to see you grow from zero, 

Nothing to it is great if some of you have already established an audience. And if you did, you should ask them, 

What should I put more? What do you like, if you have an audience that can respond back to you? And going back to the branding thing, it should be your image.

The way you that you sound, again, the way that you make your thing, that's how you make your things unique. 

Those kinds of things will be related to you. And when you have a, like a grant, because I want you guys to know.

The brand is an image that will be on the internet forever. If you have an image, like a leader in the way that you voice, the way that you talk. 

If you're on camera, the way that you move, your face, your hand, your body language, those are all our brand.

That's all our brand, in your business. the brand is one of those other businesses, your other businesses, it doesn't have to be showing your face showing anything.

Could be just publishing a blog or selling products, their businesses that are grand in a brand are making stories of something and making the other person in the street brand themselves on social media. 

I have talked in the last few hours, and minutes about branding, and branding yourself on social media could be a little bit confusing for beginners. 

Branding yourself and social media, like building yourself a good image, going back to the way that you voice, the type of content that you create. 

Building a strategy I said two times, but okay, building a strategy for your social media branding, for making sales or having more of an audience. 

Making a strategy is playing a long-term strategy, like the content calendar that's playing like few ones were going to be making. 

That could be a very good one for having a strategy in the first few years. And to play long term. And that will make you focus more on your journey and goal. 

We just got to be involved in those sometimes boring conversations with people that we want to be like or we want to be around. 

So be more targeted to your niche, the chattering market, and make yourself like a boss.

We don't want ourselves downplaying ourselves, give more information to customers, your audience. 

For years, I would say years, but most people are going to be Opie once. And then when they established some things, they will

Monetize their success for these few months. And sometimes we just think that in the sort of like social media branding 

Those kinds of things that we don't have to work hard for it because people think like that, 

I'm not joking. There are people that think that you can post something and you can just forget it. And then for a few months, you will start getting distracted. 

People listening to you watching you reading to you. So you need to work for those people. For the views, it is not making the thing and just go and not do anything more, 

You need to be engaged, you need to be focused on the thing that you are being passionate about. 

talking about our competitors during talking about competitors, our competitors in your niche, okay, it depends on your niche. So let's use my niche. 

So my competitors are like, buddies, we really don't compete for the same audience. Specifically, when I talk about business and those kinds of things.

They do talk about it, but they're in a different sort of niche, like talking about time protected, protected activity, I do not know how to say that word, okay. 

Different things. And so I am not like competing with them in a sort of level, but they are like, behind competitors. 

Make your competitors, like a, not a close friend, I will say a friend, but not a close because you still need to be careful for them.

You do not get caught up in a tough shadowy situation. So you guys will be like, friends, and then you start copying each other.

Not work. And most likely, like my niche, more, most of them. And a lot of them are bigger and stronger, more established people.

Sometimes that really does bother me. But sometimes, you need to remind yourself that you are starting 

you are a better and kind of like saw everything like like before your eyes. So you see like they're missing points or like their gaps. 

So you fill those and build those relationships, for you to be bigger, use their sources, but first build some trust and relationship. 

Start reaching out for other things. And, like, ask questions. I talked about this a little bit like customers and those kinds of things. 

ask questions like what they are most interested in the what grabs their attention most. 

You can find this like words like analytics and those kinds of things. And now what are their pains in positioning yourself as a solution? 

Ask more questions than I told you in this video. Just think creatively and see people and ask people

That is that you're wanting to target that it will be every place every question that they have, 

They will go to and that will make more key players in the dish for a long time. Going back to content marketing, there's like three types of content they can be creating. It could be informational, it could be a fun one.

I really don't know like those ones in between those cheap sounds like a fun one that also information. And when you can like do all of them,

You should know your customers what they want, not what you want. Put your feelings in second place because of your customers how many times did I say, customers?

I'm in your audience because they don't have to be your customers, your audience.

This should be first and then you second in the thinking situation or like creating content and content marketing should be a second key player in your business. 

It's not that the word I'm looking for a business. So yeah, thank you for listening to today's podcast I have tried to talk and make it a little bit more fun for you guys to listen to the episode 

I'm changing my styles a little bit and leaving the not-so-much art in so we're saying not a good part because I should like I cannot really pronounce very hard words.

I just like throw them out and sometimes like me listen to podcasts and see my favorite people making mistakes and then they say okay.

That's fine we can learn from that. It is a very fun one and I'm trying to put this into my business.

You guys as the listeners enjoy listening to me and making mistakes and learning from my mistakes. 

saying again, thank you for Reading to today's, I will see you next Friday.

                                           How to Build Personal Brand from zero to infinity - Maryam Fuad - Ep11


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