Blogging Tools for beginners l Learn With Me l Ep27 - Maryam Fuad

Hello everyone, welcome to episode 27. Today we are talking about 5 blogging tools for beginners and tools that I use for my blog.

 Number one is Grammarly, I use Grammarly for my grammar mistakes. Since English is not my first language, it is my fourth language and it's quite difficult to be focusing on,

the mistakes like not having a capital I when you are writing. And trying to make a video to text and things that I wouldn't see. But Grammarly sees

number two is colorful eye color. Fly is a color-picking tool. It is an extension from the chrome store, if that's if I'm not wrong, it is from 

the chrome store and I use it to pick out my Aesthetics and my colors for me to put in my blogs. Also, in this episode and this podcast.

number three is the canvas. I use canvas for my photos for the blog, like my thumbnails for the blog and for the YouTube channel, and for me to make my logos for the businesses. 

Number four is Quora. Hopefully, I'm saying that right. Quora is a place where I answer you guys. For this question, you can always go to my descriptions and you can see the link for my quora. 

You can put any question there, hopefully, I will answer and I do some research with quora things that I take from my community.

I put it in with my blog and my podcast. Number five is convertkit is for email marketing, for my landing pages, for me, to get your guy's email, and I can end your things, which I will talk about in the podcast. 

And also, The blog sometimes I do use convertkit but it's not always and I haven't embedded into my blog yet since that's a little bit difficult with the provider of my blog. So I use MailChimp and convertkit both are standing in the top of marketing tools. 

thank you for reading. Until the end today was fun and I'm going to be seeing you in Next Friday.

 short summary

5 Blogging Tools for beginners








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