Everyone makes MONEY in one of these four ways l Learn With Me - Ep28 - Maryam Fuad


Hello everyone. Welcome to episode 28. Today we are going to be talking about how people make their money in these four ways. Number one is working as an employee or working as yourself self-employed or trading your time for money, trading. 

Your time for money, like being a doctor or being a lawyer. This is the best example I have gotten of working for yourself. Self-starting a business being an entrepreneur.

And that's number one. And number two is selling, when you cancel a dream, a course, copywriting, or even digital marketing, without trading your time for money, or doing anything of that sort. 

Like, number one is different. There are different types of ways that you can work. And number two is selling. Number three is owning things.

Owning things like owning assets owning properties, and then making rental income owning your own business, leading people, and building your own team. That's number three, and all of those,

you can take it as a prophet after all of the math. When you are done, do your own things. Owning assets, owning digital products, just owning something.

That's number three, number four. For lending money internationally, we became a bank.

Since we have our money in different places to different people to various businesses, we become Andrew investors and invest in other people. 

Number four is when we have the money, when we already have money, we go to invest in peopled businesses to different things that we want to invest in, basically. So we are a bank.

We lend our money to other people and businesses and get a prophet out in the end. So that's number four. Thank you for listening until the end. 

This is episode 28, and if you have any suggestions for me to make or anything, you can go to my quora or my LinkedIn, or you can just comment in the YouTube comments,

wherever you are Reading this right now, I will see you next Friday.

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