5 Cycles for Marketing that will never get old - Ep44 - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad


Hello everyone. Welcome to episode 44 of learn business With me. Our topic today is the five cycles of a company and these are the things that will never get old like past Generations. Already used it. This 


next generation will use it. We are using this right now and these are will never get old because these models have been the structures of every


single business from big businesses to most little businesses and starts. With number one is mindset and measure my intent and measured could 

be the business owner or the person who's running the business or the business mindset. But the business mindset is connected to the owner, 

or the person who's running the business. If you are running the business, your mindset is quite important. Because if you are hopeful, if you are


hardworking, it will say that into your business, it shows in your business, the way that you take the photos, the way you put the descriptions, it shows that you're hard 

working and you want the best of the best for your business. So that is number one. Number two is model, the business model, and your 

research and everything go to number one. So knowing your model, your research, your plan. So going number two. Number three is plan planning, which is 

like a road map. You need a road map before you go into a journey. You will need Overview of what you're going to do. You're not going just to go to the desert and do 

nothing. You will need a map for you to know where you want to go. So, that's the exact thing for a business and this will never get outdated 

because you will get back to mapping every time. Like you want to post a new post on Instagram or on your social medias you will go back to 

mapping and how it will help your business will also go back to number two. How it will profit your business and help your business to grow. And 

number three is executing and making making those plans that you did. So now is walking the walk. After we you already talk the walk and you 

already draw everything and you done everything. So number four, make it and do the plan that will help you grow your business 

and help your business. So, number four, when never get old, like it is my favorite because I'm always in the mood of making something in my business 

like last week, or actually, this week since you're listening that I already posted an Instagram post, which I always wanted to make


and making it fun. Also it helped my business with also helping my business model. So you can check that out in the description. 

But let's skip to the next one is monetizing. Number five is I'm like in my business summer shop since we're using that as an 

example in this episode by me, monetizing is by selling by giving more to my customers. And I will get more since 

I'm helping my community even if they don't know that I'm the person who's behind that business, they the business just shows that 

the person who's behind that is hardworking and loving and Of those good things that you want in a leader. And also we could always go back to these models and these 

tips or cycles and you can always improve because business is improving learning and moving on and repeat, hopefully


I'm saying that, right? And if there's anything you want to add to this, there's actually no limit. But these are the five that I always use other businesses use and have used. 

So thank you for reading to episode 44 of land business with me. I'm going to be seeing you in episode 45. 


5 Cycles for Marketing that will never get old

#1. Mindset and Measure.







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