Best ways to take your customers online & offline- Learn With Me - Ep48 - Maryam Fuad



Hello everyone, welcome to episode 48 of learn business with me our topic. Today is the best way to take your customers online and offline couple of videos back and a couple of episodes back, I have touched on this View and some of you have asked if I like some ways how to take it online and offline. 

number. one is offline is going to be Business cards, business cards could be little gifts or cards that you will send out to your customers,

when they buy your product or they like did something with you or they have interacted with it, your business, or your personal business, you can set out a card. It's sort of being a little bit interactive in person like you exist in real life, 

number 2 is online. Is it going to be social media? Social media is a big, like, influence on online customers because everybody has any, like, type of social media, like, it could be Instagram. 

It can be Facebook, it could be Pinterest, and it could be YouTube. It's can be linked in. There are many different types of social media and interactive online. It's important. And that's a way to be interactive and take you.

Our customers online going back to offline. 

number three is going to be sending seasonal cards and Gifts. Seasonal colors could be just like the business cards but you can make them seasonal. 

So we are in December right now so I can send one of my subscribers, a Christmas-like early Christmas gift or card that will get them excited. Or I can send a product that I'm thinking of selling or promoting or like, I want them to see it. That's a way of taking your customers offline 

the number for my favorite and the last one is going to be email marketing. Email marketing is important. Of them, you can make them online and offline as you can mail to your customers but I don't think that's like where Lee used by these days.

Yes. But you can do that, that could be an offline way or the online way can send the email. A lot of ways that you can send with email marketing and email marketing. 

Is the like top-notch for your customers. Because if you lose the social media part where you're like your account got so down or anything just happened, you have their emails, you know, how to contact them, they trust you and that

This is all for this episode 48 and episode 49. We are going to be talking about setting goals since we are in the goal-setting-like month and also 

you can use this goal-setting at any month. And these are like questions that you want to ask yourself and will help you and help me because hopefully in the future, I'll be making my goals and we can see

thank you for listening and I will see you in episode 49.


best ways to take your customers online & offline

#1. Business Cards

#2. social media

#3. Send out seasonal cards and gifts

#4. Email Marketing

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