Essential Questions To Ask When Setting Goal - Learn With Me - Ep49 - Maryam Fuad + Notion Template

goal setting and I have like 10 questions but also you can see them in the notion template.

So who do you want to become? Like, what is your future salt? Like, what do you want to become? What are your daily habits, and all of those like, who are you, and like in the future? 


what do you want to become number two? Why are you setting this goal? Like with this gold help you in your future self or right now, or is it important it depends. Why are you setting this goal? Number three is going to 


How Does this goal like help you achieve what you want in the future? Because we all know, like, in five years or like, in two years or even one year, we all will be different.

We like our life could change in just like a blink of an eye. So what is your future soul going to be like wanting from you right now? There are the goals that you will set right now for your future self to get there. So that's number three. 

What are the five important goals for this year? You see, we don't want to spread ourselves too thin because when we have like so many goals like there's a goal here. 

This, our goal here like the year will go so fast or it can go really slow if you have like so many like it's hard to like to make like habits for you to actually do them. So let's just focus on five for this year.


what is the I've had it that will help you achieve your goal so it goes to number four. Like, since we have five like goals, what are the five habits for those goals? 


And when, you know, you need to set them in your life, daily life, because it will be hard because it takes a lot of, like, time for us to actually embed something into our routine and that is number five.


what does You're like a day or like, your normal day in the future? Look like, like your future self? What? Like, a normal day for them. 

Look, like, are they exercising? Are they reading books? Are they making like, content, whatever, you like, see your future self. What are the habits? And number seven actually is self-awareness and Discipline. Hopefully, I'm saying that right.


like awareness and self-discipline. How can you be aware and disciplined with all of your tasks and your habits and your goals? So those are the important questions.

There will be more questions and hopefully, I will add them through the days or weeks, or even years because we always can update these questions. So thank you for listening to episode 49 and look out for an episode for next week.



questions when you are setting a goal with a notion template??? 

#1. Who do you need to become?

#2. why are you setting this goal? 

is it important

#3. how does this goal help you achieve what you want in the future?

#4. what is the 5 most important goal for this year?

#5. what are the five habits that will help achieve your goals?


#6. what does your day look like when you have this habit or the future goal achieved

how can you be self-aware and disciplined?

#7. how can you be self-aware and disciplined?

#8. how would I know if my goals are being achieved?

#9. do you have an imagination for what you are going to do after the Goal is achieved?

#10. What are some shorter-term goals that can help me get to my long-term goals?


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