5 skills that you will gain when you are a digital marketer - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad - Ep54

Hello everyone, welcome to episode 54 of learn business With me. Our topic today is the five skills that will be gaining. When you are doing digital marketing for digital marketers, some skills, you will have when you are doing this thing, are a beginner. So, let's start with. Number one is basic design skills,

like your design skills will grow over time. You can start with like the little thing. And then it will you will see, like, it grows. Because when you're doing digital marketing, you will Design logos. Ads like YouTube thumbnails or anything in between.

You can also just see my like podcast thumbnails from the beginning. And now it's like so different because I'm like, figuring out how do I design and like show what is like the putters going to be talking about? And 

number two is going to be data analytics, like knowing how to read data, knowing how to figure out and click compose everything into it, like its own Baggins like on Okay.

 And knowing that is a very important skill for any like marketing skills. Like, if you're doing social media marketing, email, marketing, or anything in between like you'll use data. You cannot run away from data. So, you rather know it. 

Now, then not know it, like ever. So number three is communication skills. Give me a chance. It will be like, you selling something to people or talking to people and oppressing them like anything in between. Even with that, you can just like imagine yourself talking to someone else and like

you don't know the right words to say or anything in that, but it would be quite hard if you like it, it depends on what language. But if you like communicating with people in English and English is not your first language, neither is your second, it will be difficult, but we always 

learn and you always improve all of these skills from your design, reading the data, and also communication skills. Number four is going to be writing and editing. You see I cannot just like make this separate because writing and editing go hand in hand.

 If you know how to do copywriting you know how to actually compose and edit, your writing, and edit your videos. Podcasts are anything that has to do with digital marketing and editing your client's ads or anything in between 

because is important writing like copywriting and everything like that goes under that category. We are important and I think all of, you know, that's important but

sometimes we ignore it or we try to like let it pass because sometimes like it's not for now but your future self will. Thank you. If you know how to do copywriting and everything in between that and editing like photo editing, 

and video editing number five is conversion rate optimization, but in short is CRO Clemson that right, like traffic like Giving traffic to your website and your email and getting traffic to your customers.

 And that's important because you can also do like copywriting design and also like digital marketing A/B testing and like, doing all of that is important for any business. For any like clients, you want to have. And also, 

if you listen to the last episode, I said, I want to be a manager, like, I want to manage something, it can be financed or it could be more. Today but me doing that. I need to actually know how to optimize my

things like managing everything in between and you guys will be updated or like how my goals are going. And I will be seeing your goals when you like I already saw some of your guys' goals and 

keep going like some people like before the end of the year. They don't even finish what they said was like before, like February, they have already thrown their goals in the trash. Yes, but we are not going to do that. 

We are going to stay strong and I'm going to be seeing you in episode 55 of learn business with me.


5 skills that you will gain when you are a digital marketer

#1. Basic Design Skills

#2. Data Analysis

#3. Communication Skills

#4. Writing & Editing

#5. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

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