Best actions for doing email marketing - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad - Ep58


Hello everyone, welcome to episode 58 of learn the business. With me. Our topic today is the best actions to improve your email marketing. So if you are sending emails, this is like the five things that I do to improve my customers when I send emails. So, start with number one is like, have an opt-in page or sign up because you never will have these likes, but two, three, and four if you don't have the customers. So I do like an opt-in page and I will be doing that on my website on my blog

since I'm using blogger. I need to figure out how to embed email marketing, into my website, but it will be definitely an opt-in page or something like that or like a pop-up. I will be doing that. And number two is a welcome email. So you're welcome to emails like customizable. Let's go to numbers two and three because there are like connected together like customizing your email when your ass. Then a welcome

email. You can like tell them why? Why did they say up or like anything like that sometimes like when they sign up they just sound once but they forgot why? So, you send them a welcome email and like appreciation or something like you customize your emails. Number two and three. Let's go to number 4 is a no reply, so if you don't want your customers through to actually reply to you. So I have an email address that says no replies and that actually helps you because if you're like like big or

you really don't want to read many emails on one email and then want to have another this, like many reasons why you should have no email do you like an account or like that's because is important is easier. Having one email that all of your customers can't contact you with is simpler for you or your future team if you want to hire an assistant or anything like that. So that's number four. Number five, make a Perfect like subject line because that's what they are going to be reading.

We all know how important is that and like saying because I'm like trying to actually like tell people like you should make a perfect because that's why people will click on your email and that goes to number two because when you send your welcome email should be something personalized and welcoming.

 So that is episode 58. And I'm going to be seeing you in episode 59 of In business, with me, if you have any suggestions, put them in the comments section or in the community war on my YouTube channel.

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