#1. Set Your Mission and Your Goals.#2. Know Your Audience.#3. Figure Out the Best Content Channels.#4. Choose a content management system.#5.content ideas.Publish and manage your content
Hello everyone, welcome to episode 59 of learn business with me. Yes, we're in episode 59. We are so close to episode 60. So in today's topic, we are talking about marketing strategy for content. And this is like the five things that you should know or we should actually do when you are creating a Content marketing strategy, first set up, your mission, and your goal. So what is it like why are you sitting this content marketing? Is it to get more followers? Is it too? Grow
stronger with your audience. And number two is to know your audience. So when we go back to number one is like setting up your mission who is your ideas. So we need to actually know who we want that these videos or episodes or blogs whatever you are doing like to know about your customers or your audience that is number to know your audience, like their age, their like what they are, like their gender or anything in between.
Like just knowing your audience. Basically, that's all it did. I should know about number 2. Number 3, figure out the best content channels. So when I say channels like websites or is it Instagram Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and everything in between, so figure out what is the best and why and what is so when you know your audience, you know what they are going to be. So if your audience for like younger like 10 until 18,
And what do you want to you're like marketing strategy to be for them? So, number four, let's go to number four is like marketing, my like management system. Like we want, like, like HootSuite or anything in between like hot spot, like somewhere. You can manage your content, or content marketing, like channel that you can manage all of them because you don't want to go post this like, Photo to Instagram, then, go to Facebook and then go to YouTube. Like the Community section and then
just like, you don't want it like you want to send one place. So find a management system. Number five and the last one is the contest idea. So when you have like, number one number, for all setup, like all of them set up like now is like, the best part is creating the content, creating the content, figuring the ideas of the content. And when, you know, all of that. Now, you can publish and manage the content, See, the analytics, and like, what is doing well, Well, not what's not doing well
and that is like how you can create a marketing strategy. And this is like the five things that I do when I'm like posting episodes here I post on YouTube, I post on Spotify, I post on my blog and maybe I will add more, but now I will need a management system where I can do all of that at once, but it's all different. So if I'm like, posting on Spotify, that's audio-based, and like, if I'm posting on YouTube, And like my thumbnails
and then the audio for me to compose them all together. So everyone is different but have a management system and create your ideas and publish them like see what are like doing up and down that is episode 59 of learn business with me and I'm going to be seeing you in episode 60.