5 Reasons why data analysis is important in marketing - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad - Ep61


#1. Knowing your customers.

#2. Knowing the channels.

#3. Manage and effectively run your business.

#4. Helps to solve problems.

#5. Make better digital marketing strategies.

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 61 of learn business with me. Our topic today is data analytics, why is it important for marketing? So let's start with number one. Like why is it important for data? Analytics is knowing your customers. So when, you know, your customers, you need data, and when you know,

Analyzing your data is so important for marketing likes. Like it is the biggest thing in marketing when you know how to read your data, you know, your customers, and let's go to. Number two is no. Knowing your channels.

So which channel is effective like how do it would you know that you will use data analytics, and you will use all of these metrics and things for you to know which like data or like, well, happy with your channel. Like is it tick? 

Tock isn't YouTube, is it other different types of social media or was your website? It could be so different for everybody. Let's go to number three, which is knowing if you're managing effectively and running your business, How are you running? Your business isn't good.

Are you getting more sales? So knowing all of that, will happily be knowing data analytics and it will help you with your marketing because if you know your customers and now you know your business isn't going up. Is it going down like being like, an 

Alex person is really good for your business and being a leader and knowing how to read those and actually make them like a clear template on Excel or anywhere else is very hot. Awful for the business.

 Number four is to help you solve Solutions like solving problems. Yes, so solving problems is the most important thing, if you have a business, you're like solving a problem like me, I don't really know like, like businesses when they have no purpose.

 Like, if you are doing dropshipping, what is the purpose of that? What type of problem are you solving? And I'm like saying Drop Shipping because it's so easy to get started, but your Cars are not going to be happy.

 So how are you going to know that you use data analytics? And that's always going to be helping you with your marketing. Let's go to number five. And the last one is it makes your marketing or digital marketing strategy, better. It makes everything better 

when you know, when you've what you're saying. And if you're saying something wrong you know how your customer will react. So if you don't use data, you will never know if the product reviews are bad or good. So it's like the little things and you don't need to be a math genius to figure this all out

and if I'm saying anything wrong, please correct me in the like anywhere and where you can contact me. And also thank you for listening to episode 61 and I'm going to be staying in episode 62.


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