five ways how to solve problems - Learn With Me - Maryam Fuad - Ep62



#1. what is your Problem?

#2. have potential solutions.

#3. Choose one.

#4. make a plan and action.

#5. analyze and repeat.

Hello everyone. Welcome to episode 62 of learn the business With me, today's topic is solving problems and how to solve problems. It's like the five things I do. Personally, for me to solve my problems. It could be personal or work, but today we are going to be doing like work since. We are not using it really in my personal life, but doing this and like, your business is really helpful. Let's go into number one, is what is your problem, know your problem? Like what is the Problem, like, break it down, like we want details.

Like is it? Your customers are not happy. Why do you need to ask more and when you know, what the problem is we can go to? Number three is found many solutions. So, will they say, why is your customer? Not happy? Is it because of the delay time? Let's say a delay time. How can you fix it? Is it from manufacturers, or, from like Warehouse? We need a mini, like, problems. And like, Solutions. We need many solutions for those problems

because when we break down the problem like there's like many little details of problems that we need to fix for us to actually fix the big problem. It's not even like so big. It's like it could be the little thing, but you need to think that way. And let's go to number three is to choose one of these Solutions. So, from number three to number two, you already picked. Many of the solutions. Like you have many solutions, you can pick. Now, number three is a fake one, and let's go to number 4 Analyze and make a plan.

 So making your plan is like okay I will fix my manufacturing problem. How would I do that? You need to make a plan. Is it? Are you going to be paying the manufacturer more? Are you going to be like, take an action? So make a plan, and take an action, it depends on what is your problem, but that's basically, no choosing one of these Solutions and then making a plan for that solution. How are you going to be actually doing it in real life and then go and take Action?

Doing the work is the most important like we can just always talk and talk and talk but like you can see when you are actually doing the action. Number five is analyzed. So analyze your plan, analyze your action. And when you analyze, you can actually know where is good luck. Another problem can pop up. It's not right now, but it could pop up another problem. So you analyze, you see it, you see what you can do and I want you to read all of this. When you have another platform but a problem

where you repeat, so analyze them repeat, like I put them together because they always work together and that is episode. 62 of learn business with me. If you have any suggestions always put them in the comments Community section or if you are on Spotify if you're listening to this on Spotify go to like a question or I will put a Paul for you guys to put it would be like open for a week if you have any questions, I'll be answering it

anywhere you can find me thank you for Reading and I'm seeing you next episode.

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